Saturday, November 29, 2008

All My Sons Act 1 Vocab

Copy the ten vocabulary words for Act 1 into your notebook. Complete the following three steps for each word:
  1. Write the sentence in the play that provides the context of the word.
  2. Write a definition of the word that you understand. This often means going beyond the dictionary definition.
  3. Write an original first person (use the pronouns I, we, us or me) sentence using the word.
Here are the words:

stolid (p. 5)
calamity (p. 6)
tallies (p. 11)
infuriate (p. 15)
undercurrent (p. 19)
chivalric (p. 23)
resigned (p. 25)
relish (p. 26)
resolutely (p. 27)
staunchly (p. 29)

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