Monday, January 5, 2009

Midsummer Act 1 Vocabulary

nuptial (wedding; marriage)
Theseus: "Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour / Draws on apace" (1.1.1-2).

abjure (renounce; give up)
Theseus: "Either to die the death, or to abjure / Forever the society of men" (1.1.67-68).

austerity (self-denial; simple living)
Theseus: "Or on Diana's altar to protest / For aye austerity and single life" (1.1.91-92).

visage (face; appearance)
Lysander: "Her silver visage in the wat'ry glass, / Decking with liquid pearl the bladed grass" (1.1.215).

lamentable (mournful; full of grief)
Quince: "Marry, our play is The most lamentable comedy and most cruel death of Pyramus and Thisbe" (1.2.11-12)

Note: The story of Pyramus and Thisbe is similar to Romeo and Juliet.

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