Monday, March 9, 2009

March 10 Media Center Activities

You should be busy and quiet all hour in the media center. Use this time to get caught up on your computer assignments and begin your research paper.

Below is a list of tasks to work on this hour. You can decide the order of importance for tasks.

  1. The four students who need to finish their Nectar in a Sieve essay should start with that since the last day to turn it in will be Wednesday, March 11.
  2. Check English 10 Edline assignments for a PowerPoint on Things Fall Apart background information. Review the PowerPoint and add new information to your webquest package and underline information that you already had on your webquest. Pick up your webquest packet from Mrs. Gens and be sure to add information in a second color so that I can assess how much you have added to increase your score. You may even end up getting extra credit on this packet. Turn in revised packets to Mrs. Gens today.
  3. Get caught up on blog assignments, or even get ahead of them. Edline lists the quarter 3 blog assignments or simply click here for the past blog post that details them.
  4. Use the Thinking Maps software to finally create a Thinking Map about your vocabulary word to post to your blog. Also, comment on my blog that the vocab Thinking Map is ready to be checked. Only a few students have received points for this five point assignment.
  5. As long as you are in the library, Mac users should check out the Thinking Maps software from the librarians to load it onto your home computer.
  6. Read over the research paper assignment on the blog and begin exploring possible topics for your group research paper. Each group will need to write about a different topic, so try to be as specific as possible. Check with your group members if they like your potential topic ideas and make sure that no other groups are also planning that topic. If you cannot solve disputes maturely and negotiate a compromise on topics, you will need to use rock/paper/scissors for conflict resolution.
  7. If you have established a research paper topic, you may begin posting summaries of research found on your blogs. See the research paper assignment under notetaking.
  8. For extra credit, compute the bride-price mentioned in Things Fall Apart in terms of U.S. dollars today. Get some helpful hints at this blog post.
  9. Read and comment on your classmates' blogs.

And by the way, Happy Birthday Marcos!!

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