Friday, October 3, 2008

Siddhartha Vocabulary

English 10 students, click on comments for this post and write the information for your assigned vocabulary word. Complete information for 4-Square vocabulary includes 1) a dictionary definition, 2) a symbol or image that represents your word, 3) two synonyms that you think that your classmates will understand, and 4) the word used in an original sentence that shows complete understanding of the word.

NOTE: If you know how to post an image with your comment, great. If not, simply describe the image.

Once all of the entries are made this weekend, students may wish to copy and paste the complete definition information into a Word document and print that to glue in their notebooks. Students may even want to print a second copy of the vocabulary to make flash cards to study for the test on Monday, October 13.

Siddhartha Vocabulary by Chapter

“The Brahmin’s Son”
Hindu Ablutions (p. 3)

“With the Samanas
Onerous (p. 16) cycle of samsara,

Siddhartha as Samana (p. 26)
The Illustrious One’s exalted (p. 32) teachings,

Siddhartha seeks Atman (p. 38)
Siddhartha’s years of asceticism (p. 40)

Siddhartha’s thoughts and erudition (p. 47)
Kamala, the well-known courtesan (p. 52)

“Amongst the People”
Siddhartha surpasses Kamaswami’s equanimity (p. 67)

Knowledge engendered (p. 83) a new thirst in Siddhartha.

“By the River”
Siddhartha is full of ennui (p. 87).
Siddhartha reflects back on expiation (p. 96) of his youth.

Kamala’s pallid (p. 113) face
The funeral pyre (p. 115)

“The Son”
Siddhartha fears his son will be lost in samsara (p. 120)
Exhortation (p. 121) is no way to find oneself.

The river voices were entwined (p. 135) in a thousand ways.
The river voices consisted of one word: om (p. 136).

Govinda, the venerable (p. 140) one
Is Nirvana only intrinsic (p. 147)?


Britta said...

My word is:
Definition: A heap of combustibles for burning a corpse as a funeral rite.

Sentence: The widow made a pyre for her dead husband, to be burned tomorrow.

Synonyms: Combustible Flammable

Katherine B. said...

My word is:

Definition: the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure.

Sentence: The equanimity of the woods is soothing.

Synonyms: Calm, Patient

Ansley said...
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Ansley said...

My word is:

definition: The principles and practices of an ascetic; self-denial and austerity.

sentence: Siddartha lead an ascetic life.

Synonm: self-denial self-discipline

Kelsey J. said...

My word is :

Definition: the quality of being calm and composed.

Sentence: When you get a massage, you are overcome with equanimity.

Synonym: relaxed

Adrienne H. said...

My word is:

Definition: Elevated in rank, character or status.

Symbol/Image: a king

Sentence: The prince was exalted to king.

Synonyms: noble, high

KAYNA said...

my word is Intrinsic

Definition:realating to the essential nature of a thing.

Synonyms:born with, important part

sentence:he was always intrinsic of his beliefs

Kelly said...

My word is: Samana

Definition: Wandering person who lives in the forest.

Synonyms: Wandering, Lonely

Sentence: The campers spotted the samana walking near the campsite, by the river.

Symbol: homeless person

Kelly L. said...

My word is:

Definition: The practice of self-discipline, and religious devotion.

Sentence: The man who practices not eating shows asceticism.

Synonyms: self-denial, self-discipline

Julia said...

My word is:
Definition: To bring into existence or give rise to
Sentence: Pilgrams engendered the Americas a long time ago.
Synonyms: Birth, Raise

Drew Pierce said...

My word is pallid

Definition: A pale complexion

Synonyms: dull, faint

Sentence: From far away, a flashlight's light is pallid.

Symbol: a person with a pale face

Anonymous said...


defenition: deep wide learning

Synonyms: learning,education,absorbing,meditating

Sentance: his concentration on erudation is amazing.

picture: stick figure meditating

AnastasiaM said...
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AnastasiaM said...

My word: Samana Definition: wanderers in willing self denial.
Sentance: Leaving the self spiritualy and letting your spirit becomethe things around you through meditation.
synonym: Hollow, spiritual
Symbol Diying inside, becomminghollow, emotionless.

Shadeslayer375 said...

My word is ennui:
Def:a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from satiety or lack of interest.

Sentence:The endless lecture produced an unbearable ennui.

Synonyms: boredom, lethargy.

Christina said...

My word is: Onerous.

Definition: Involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome.

Sentence: She found her duties increasingly onerous.

Synonyms: burdensome, difficult, hard, demanding, arduous, oppressive, punishing.

Lakaiguy said...

My word is: venerable

Definition: Commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, and character

Sentence: Be Venerable to your parents.

Synonyms: Respectful, nice

Kirstin C said...

My word is:

Definition: To be twined with, about, around, or together.

Sentence: The twigs were entwined together.

Synonyms: Twisted, Weaved

Symbol: The symbol i drew was 3 ropes twisted together

Madeleine said...
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Madeleine said...

My word is:

Definition: The act of asking for forgiveness

Sentence: I stole from my mom, I should ask for expiation.

Synonyms: atonement

Anna C said...

My word is:

Definition: Troublesome or oppressive; burdensome.

Sentence: the annoying child was onerous to the teacher.

Synonyms: Troublesome, oppressive, burdensome.

Picture: a folder that says homework on it.

Dylan T. said...

my word is:
definition: a prostitute or somone associating with men with money.

sentence: this hooker is selling her body.

synonyms: prosititute, hooker

Molly H. said...

Hi Ms. Roeh,
sorry this is so late but I'm wondering if there is anyway I could get those 4 vocab words no one posted. I was gone the day assigned. I understand if you can't. thanks very much.

Molly H. said...

sorry I spelled it wrong roehl*