Monday, December 8, 2008


Introduction: Debate has a positive role in decision-making in many aspects of our lives. Debate involves the clash or competition of ideas and evidence. It is through such clashes that ideas are thoroughly explored and improved in our society. Debate takes many forms: It may be at a community or business meeting, on the editorial pages of the newspaper, in a court of law, on the floor of Congress, or on the school bus or school hallway. Structures of these debates vary. The different structures only produce different kinds of debates, but the basic tenet is the same: solid argumentation.

Debate also requires public speaking, research and writing skills.

Group debate: In this assignment, students will be working in small groups. There will be six small groups in the classroom (approximately 5 students per group). Each group will debate another group in the Hornet Debate League format. Below are some assignment guidelines:

**All members of the group are responsible for helping with these speeches.

**Each team must compile, research, write and prepare speeches for their assigned side of the resolution they are debating.

**Two speeches must be written before the debate (First and Second speeches)

**At least five sources must be cited in the two prepared speeches. Citation includes internal documentation and a works cited page.

**Other research materials should be on hand to reference during the cross-examination and for rebuttal and closing speech preparation. The closing speech is written during preparation time during the debate.

**All students will be responsible for at least one speaking role.

**Team members not speaking at any given time will be researching during the debate, taking notes, finding evidence for rebuttal and cross-examination and offering coaching advice.

**Teams not involved in the debate will help time and judge the participants.

**No one but the speakers may speak during the debate.

The class will debate the following three resolutions:

Resolved: The United States federal government should establish an energy policy that requires a substantial reduction in the total consumption of fossil fuels in the United States.

Resolved: All competitive athletes should be required to undergo testing for performance-enhancing drugs, and athletes who test positive will be banned from their sport.

Resolved: EHS students should be suspended from school for all levels of academic dishonesty including copying homework.

Here's the order that the debates will follow.

Affirmative construction speech: 3 minutes

Cross-examination (Neg. side): 1 minute

Negative construction speech: 3 minutes

Cross-examination (Aff. Side): 1 minute

Affirmative construction speech: 3 minutes

Cross-examination (neg side): 1 minute

Negative construction speech: 3 minutes

Cross-examination (aff. side): 1 minute

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Preparation time: 4 minutes
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Negative summary (rebuttals too): 2 minutes

Affirmative summary (rebuttals too): 2 minutes

(24 minutes total)

1 comment:

AnastasiaM said...

ms. roehl can you please print these notes for my group... my printer still isn't working so...


Some fossil fuels: coal, peat, lignite, petroleum, and natura lgases.

The burning of fossile fules (mainly coal, & oil) is responsible for 80 % ofthe rise of the carbox dioxid in the air.
Fossil fules are hydrocarbons found within the top layer of the earths crust.

Energy info administration estimatedthat in 2005 86% of energy will be from fossil fuels, becouse fossil fuels are being so highly usedwe are using them faster thanthe earth can make them
the burning of fossil fuels makes about 21.3 billion tones of carbon dioxidper year. ( carbon dioxid is only i fossil fuel)

in the US 90% of greenhousegasses and from fossil fuels.
fossil fuels cause air pollution.
fossil fuelsmake sulfuric, carbonic, and nitric acis that falltothe earth as acid rain
fossil fuels contain radioactive material. mainly uranium and thorium.that are later relesed into the atmosphere

2005 12000 metric tons of thorium and 5000 metric tons of uranium were relesed onto the earth from burning coal.

becouse ofsupply and demand sugggests that as we run out of hydrocarbons the price for them will greatly increase, causeing problems for bussnesses everywere.

thank a lot!