Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Odyssey Vocab

Click on the comments section of this post to add the four-square information for your assigned word. A full 4-square includes a definition, image discussion, a sentence about The Odyssey using your word, and two or three synonyms.

In addition to your 4-square, your comment must include the etymology of the word. In other words, is the word's origin Anglo-Saxon, Latin, Greek, French, or some other language? An impressive discussion of the etymology of the word will also include a breakdown of any prefixes and suffixes.

To find the etymology, search your word at either of these links: or etymology online. To find etymology you might have to search the root word (the most basic form of the word.)

Here are the vocab words:


By the way, the lexicon of the native English speaker generally breaks down like the image below.


AnastasiaM said...

Word: Shroud.

Deff: The cloth used for burial sheets.

Synonyms: Hide, cover, enfold, enclosed.

Image: mummy, or a dead body at a crime scene.

Etymology: old English

Sentence: Odysseus's men were wrapped in shrouds if their body's were found.

Christina said...


Definition-A large group of people or things.

Sentence-Telemachus gathered a squadron of people to attend his journey in search of his father.

Synonyms-Unit, fleet, or squad.

Etymology- From the mid 16th century, also Italian.

KAYNA said...


Definiton- the pouring out of wine or another liquid.

Dynonyms- pour, drain.

Sentence- they began the libation.

Picture- wine pouring out of a goblet.

Etymology- late 1300's old english

Ansley said...

Word: Prophecy.

Def: prediction of what is to come.

Synonyms: foretelling ,prevision, revelation.

Image: A medium with a crystal ball.

Sentence: The soothsayer made a prophecy that the cyclops would go blind but regain his sight.

Etymology: greek

Kelsey J. said...


Definition: to brag.

Synonyms: boast, show off.

Sentence: Odysseus vaunted at the cyclops after he
had tricked him.

Picture: Odysseus yelling from his boat.

Etymology: latin

Britta said...

word: reparations

Definition: something to make up for loss or damage.

Synonyms: replacement, compensation

Etymology: Latin

Sentence: People gave reparations to the family's whom lost loved ones in the Trojan war.

Image: a women giving another women a reparation for her husbands loss.

Madeleine said...

Word: Mutinous

Definition:Unruly, unaffected


Image:parent yelling for teen to stop listening to music and riding a skateboard but teen continues.

Sentence:Although his mother tried to control him, Telemachus was mutinous.


Kirstin C said...

Word: Lustrous

Definition: brilliant, splendid, having a sheen or glow.

Synonyms: Bright, dazzling, radiant

Sentence: The nymph's hair looked lustrous.

Etymology: Dravidian origin

Kelly L. said...


Definition:being unruly, ignoring something or someone.

Synonyms: Unaffected, rebellious

Etymology: Latin

Sentence:A mutinous crew undid Odysseus.

Anna C said...

Word: Reparation

Definition: A repair or a change

Sentence: People were given

reparations to take the load of grief off their hearts.

Image: a nail going into a board with a hammer

Synonyms: Amend, Fix, Repair, Change

Etymology: Latin

Kelly said...

Word: Suppliant

Definition: Humbly entreating

Synonyms: making, or expressing a plea

Image: question mark

Etymology: 1429 old english

sentence: Their faces were suppliant

Charlie B. said...

def: a person who pretends to more knowlege or skill then he or she has

Sent: The suitors were all charlatan

Syn: liar, fake

Etymology: italian

Adrienne H. said...


Definition: to linger, hesitate. Reserved or shy.

Synonyms: hesitant, shy

Image: Someone standing alone, nervous to join others.

Sentence: the boy felt demurred around the older kids.

Etymology: French

Lakaiguy said...

Word: Sovereign.

Deff: a monarch; a king, queen, or other supreme ruler.

Synonyms: King, Ruler

Image: a king or a ruler

Etymology: old French
Sentence: He is the sovereign of all the land.

Julia said...
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Julia said...


Definition- A goddess character of mythology that is a beautiful and graceful maiden that inhabits land.

Synonyms: A maiden, woman, goddess

Sentence: The nymph calypso allowed Odysseus to leave Ogygia after seven years, following a visit by Hermes

Etmology: Greek

Image: A really pretty woman

muffin said...

Word- prophecy
Deff-An inspired utterance of a prophet, viewed as a revelation of divine will.
Synonmos-vision,apocalyptic, cabalistic,clairvoyant, ominous, prophetic,apocalypse, declaration
Picture-is of a relgious person.
Etymology:M.E. Latin

Will W said...

word: Insolent
Definition: to be rude
Synonyms: Rude, Arrogant
Image: angry person
Sentence: Calypso is very insolent
etymology: middle english

andrea said...

word: BARD
definition: a minstrel, singing poet/reciter of poetry
image: a poet singing and playing a harp or lyre
etymology: late celtic...
sentence: the bard told us a story when he came to town

Alex R. said...

Sinew [sin-yoo]:

1] a tendon
2] Often, Sinews. The source of strength, power, or vigor.
3] Strength; power; resilience

Sentence- In the book, The Odyssey, Athen is the very sinew of hope to Odysseus throughout his journey home.

Synonyms- Strength, heftiness, muscularity

Middle English [ME]; oblique form of seonu, sinu

Marcos G said...

Word: Vaunted

Definition: Bragged, boasted

Synonyms: self-centered, show off, self-righteous.

Images: Marcos poppin' his collar. Woop woop!!!

Etymology: 1340 derived from Middle French, Late Latin and Latin.

Sentence: "So I vaunted and he groaned back in answer..." (Homer 227)

Anonymous said...


definition: Extremely sentimental

Synonyms: overly sentimental, insipid

sentence: he was mawkish over the death of his friend.

Etymology:middle english

Shadeslayer375 said...


Def: clever

syn: dextrous, nimble, skillful

image: kid with glasses

etymology: 1175–1225; ME

Sentence: Odysseus and his men were very deft when defeating Polyphemus.

Katherine B. said...

Word: Lyre

Deffinition: A stringed instrument in the harp family

Synonyms: harp, small instrument

Image: An instrument that looks like a harp.

Etymology: Old French, Greek, Latin

Sentence: The old minstrel played the lyre while he sang.

Molly H. said...

Word: harangued

Deff: scolding or a long or intenese verb attack

synonyms: diatribe, speech

Image: an essay

Etymology: middle english

Sentance: Odysseus read the harangued paper

Drew Pierce said...

Word: Squadron

Def.: a number of people grouped together

Synonyms: Group, fleet, troop

Image: An army troop

Etymology: 16th Century Italian